Short post! I'm missing pics from my other project (probably cause it's not done yet) so without further ado, the cedar chest from a previous post!
Why does it offset these when they're the same file size, same dimensions, taken with the same camera? I have no idea.. :/
Anyways, onto new things. The next project was a complicated one, likely just due to the amount of staining it took. I was in a customer's house putting up a custom shower when I spied a piece of furniture that grabbed my attention. It was being used as an end table, probably from Ikea or something similar, but the concept was interesting enough I thought I could replicate it from real wood rather than stamped pressboard.
The entire thing is made from jointed 1x6 spruce, and was assembled as components. The biggest challenge for this piece was keeping the stains from bleeding onto the surrounding wood, particularly the light coloured page areas. Otherwise, it wasn't terribly hard, just very time consuming. The bookmark ribbons are 1/8th inch aluminum that I heated with a propane torch and shaped into the drawer pulls. The only concessions I made that aren't bookish are the handle for the cupboard area, and the hinges. I was considering various other options, but the books each have the spine edge router cut into them and that makes the wood in those areas thinner and a bit more fragile than normal, so most of my choices in that respect were limited. I think it turned out fairly well though :)
The picture doesn't do it justice. It's way prettier. ^_^